Stones and crystals are mysterious gifts from the earth, with their diversity of beautiful colours and fascinating formations. Crystals carry with them many millions of years of history, and we feel they have something they can tell us, something we can learn if we are open to listen. 

Throughout the human history, many cultures have valued crystals both because they are beautiful, and because many are convinced that the crystal can transmit different energies and properties. Crystals have been and are used today, in healing in a wide range of cultures and across borders and continents.

Many people believe that crystals can support us, and bring us something positive, both on the physical, the emotional and the spiritual level. Our descriptions of the properties and effects of crystals are intended as inspiration and encouragement. It is up to everyone what they want to put in the crystals ‘ability to influence us, and we will always encourage you to seek professional medical guidance for physical or mental ailments.

No matter how you choose to behave, statements about the enchanting world of crystals can be adorned with the beautiful radiance of the crystals, whether you use it as jewellery on the body or in the house.


This crystal has a lower intensity and vibrates to a slower frequency than other stones but is highly regarded as a stabilizing and strengthening effect.

The layered bands of microscopic quartz in Agate can seem delicate, and they are actually very strong. Agate is excellent for balancing emotional, physical, and intellectual energy, and for harmonizing yin and yang, the positive and negative force of the universe


This crystal is a sought after as an interior element and in Feng Shui it is used in all areas of your home or workplace. Amethyst represents the earth element and is associated as Yang energy, that is, it stimulates surplus and energy, and enthusiasm for new thoughts and ideas. The colour of the crystal is associated with prosperity, and it is said that this crystal will give us “Abundance” – a feeling of abundance, that we have what we want and need. Amethyst is considered a particularly powerful, health-promoting crystal that is said to be strengthened the body`s own defences. 


This crystal is associated with positivity and optimism, which is not surprising given its cheerful colour. It`s often used to assist in manifesting financial abundance and opportunities. It can also be used to awaken the solar plexus chakra, helping to cultivate confidence and personal power. Citrine symbolizes economic freedom and wealth. Turn ideas into reality, make you want to get started. Strengthens your self-esteem and improves relationships. Helps you expand your network and develop your work. Make your mood lighter and strong-willed.

Used protection against electromagnetic radiation. This crystal is associated with the heart chakra and is used to open and find love in adulthood, and to improve relationships, and curb conflicts between partners.

Called “Stone of Opportunity” because it is said to break old patterns and create room for personal and financial growth, and change your relationship to money

Called rock crystal is a very versatile crystal that is said to enhance the energy of all other crystals. Alone, it is known to provide protection against negativity and increase self-confidence in those areas of life you need extra support, whether it is to attract love or let go of exam nerves

This crystal is associated with the heart chakra and is a symbol of love itself. Love for yourself, your partner, your loved ones, family, friends and colleagues. The crystal is used to strengthen, receive, and give love and to create a positive self-image. Take better care of yourself and let the stone of love fill you with positive self-esteem, and let you be guided to make the choices that are best for you

This crystal helps you find your inner strength and remains you of who you are. Provides increased judgement and removes mental blockages and negative thoughts. It is said to promote divine femininity, youthfulness, and increased libido for both woman and men.Selenite is associated with youthfulness and divine femininity. Selenite is used for fertility, pregnancy, and motherhood. It protects the pregnant woman and her unborn child. The crystal also increases libido and is used to strengthen bonds of love and create a solid foundation for the future

This crystal allows one to adapt to the light instead of being consumed by life. Instead of just exposing negative energies and emotional blockages, this crystal gently dissolves these energies when it encounters them, allowing positive frequencies to take their place. It relieves fear, stress, anger and unspoken resentment, lifts depression and fatigue and teaches you how to let go of what is no longer necessary for growth. It gives the power to create and change one`s reality and to manifest one`s dreams.

This crystal is used for clarity, creativity, willpower, and protection. Willpower and action stone that protects you and helps you make good decisions. Strengthens self-confidence, willpower, creativity and gives you integrity and execution power. Steadfast in challenging times. Gives you the execution power to reach your goals and manifest your dreams in near future.


House of Balance Girls