STYLING FOR SALE , PICTURE & VIDEO - A virtual consultation based on photos and videos, with a report. Price per hour NOK 799.
This is a virtual package and we have done this for several customers and its a efficiant and fu way to do your styling.
- You will buy a package.
- Send the receipt and pictures of your home or the rooms you need help to style to
- We will have a look at the pictures.
- We will give you feedback on how to move furnitures and move and ad accessories to make your home more cohesive and beautiful.
Minimum: 2 hours: NOK 799 per hour.
The result: Your home is ready for photo for selling or for an open house - or just for you to feel more harmonious while at home.
By following some Feng Shui advice and then placing the right décor in the right places in your home, the energy in those areas will be activated. You will achieve a wonderful balance in your home that will make you love being there. You will be happy and harmonious because your home gives you the energy you need, and it is very healthy and you get charged spending time home. And not only that, when you achieve the right energies, it will help you reach your dreams and goals even faster.